02 April 2011

NaPoWriMo 2.1 ~ Poetry Tow Truck

Process Notes: Here is the prompt from Donna: For today’s prompt, choose something that is either common in your everyday life, like Plath’s mirror, or some novel new piece of technology, like Dickinson’s train. Then try to write about it in a somewhat cryptic way.
I read Plath’s piece that Donna provides at Poetry Tow Truck, and came up with this piece.


I am metal and compact. Every day my journeys
carry harried lives filled with fast food silage.
Most of the time I wait outside, until they need
me again. But then they sing loud and clear
to the music I breathe and we make wind together.
Square Butte buzzes by in a blur, while hills roll
their fallow fields into broad blue sky.

Miracle am I!

A technological wonder,
I always make distance go by.


flaubert said...

Now, that is what I call fantastic, Brenda.
btw, are you experiencing any problems with wordpress? I have been since last night. I can't post comments. It is quite frustrating. ack!


brenda w said...

Thank you for your comment Pamela. I've posted comments at a few wordpress sites today...I didn't do a lot of reading last night. Sorry I can't help.

Elizabeth said...

Like the compacting and thanks for visiting my site,


Ron. said...

Well, you're clearly off to a flying start (Flying start, 2.1, actually).

And thanks for stopping by the eggs.

Marianne said...

And you are a wonder, as well! Enjoyed this one, Brenda! I find it fascinating how NaPo brings people together from all over the world!

Andy Sewina said...

Lovely poetry!!