18 April 2010

To the Rocky Top of Hill 57

Zigzagging a route to
the rocky top where
dragons lie in wait,
Hopper and Boon Dog
pull us up Hill 57.
Behind us, at the bottom of
57’s steep face,
a man and dog follow.

Gulping water from a
cool metal bottle, we
turn our faces toward the sun,
then continue across the top of
57’s broad expanse.

“Look Mom,” TL nods across
the hill, “A man.” The hooded
figure quickly walks the perimeter
of 57’s rocky northwest ridge, then
turns and heads back toward
us. Conjuring serial killers, we create
creepy scenarios of a two man hunt.

The victims? Us.

Loose rocks line the
steep descent of
The Dirtbike Path to Freedom.
Halfway down, Hopper stops,
growls, and lunges toward the
killer. Three deep barks
signal warning and protection.

Love for this ferocious beast
overwhelms me. With a
yank on his lead, we travel
toward TL and Boon Dog,
heading down Hill 57’s western slope home.

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